You guys start talking one day. He compliments you and tells you you're pretty and cute. He asks you about your past relationships and you ask him about his. When you tell him you've been hurt multiple times, he tells you that those guys are all jerks and stupid for letting a girl like you go. You then share him some more stories about your past and he tells you his. He started flirting w you and you started flirting back. Then he ask for your number and you give it to him right away. The next day he text you and tells you good morning and tells you to have a good day. Soon talking to him becomes a part of your daily routine and you wait for him to text you everyday. Whenever you receive something form him, you start smilling and your day instantly becomes better. He texts you daily asking how your day went. You talk to him all night and he always ask if you are tired and if you want to go bed. The night conversations you have w him are always the best and the deepst. You sleep when he sleeps and he sleeps when you sleeps. You feels butterflies in your stomach everytime you see or talk to him. Now you tell your friends about what an amazing guy he is and you are interested in him. Soon, he confesses that he is interested in you and you tell him that the feeling is mutual. He starts giving you nicknames and calling you "sayang". You feel like you're the happiest girl alive and the feeling is so strong between you guys. One day, he suddenly stop texting you first. When you guys talk now, it;s only bcause you hit him up first. Things changed and you don't understand what unexpectedly happened. He stops putting effort talking to you and doesn't show that he still wants to be w you. You become extremely clingy and you don't want another girl in the picture. You can't help wondering what went wrong. You ask him if anything is wrong and he tells you that everything is fine. Then you start thinking he's mad at you for something you did, but he assures you that you need to relax and everything's okay. He tells you that he's just been busy. So you wait for a while and nothing changing. He's still "busy" all the time and doesn't even try to talk to you. Now everytime you talk to him it's become an agrument. And you get scared that you're being annoying by hitting him up first, so you stop talking to him. Month pass, and you don't talk to him at all. You never know what happened from his point of view. Because of him, every day and night you're hurt and upset. You don't know what went wrong in the relationship between you two. Your friends tells you to forget him and that he doesn't deserve someone like you. But you can't seem to listen to them, youre already too attached to hin. You miss the old person he used to be and you don't even know what he has changed into. And one day, you see that he has a new girl in his life. He's calling her cute names and telling her everything he used to tells you. He calls her "sayang" and tells she he thinks she's gorgeous. He tells everything you've heard before. He seems completely fine without you and now he has someone else to talk and text every day and night. You refuse to believe that he played you, but it's true. You're still hurt and he has already moved on. You're still sad and every night thinking about him. You still secretly hope that one day he will start talking to you again and you guys will pick up where you last left off but you also know that it will never ever happen. You compare every guy you now meet w him. He's already forgotten about you but you're still having hard time letting go. Sounds familliar? OH MY F*CKING GASH! SUMPAH BETUL. BETUL SANGAT2. YA ALLAH, GENTLE HABIS DOE.... While typing this my heart beats like hell. Sumpah degap degup laju gila. Masa type ni lah memories dgn acap terimbau. *Kemain terimbau. My gash, rindunya kat acap. Sayang nya dkat acap. Kenapa kita tak tegur dah sekarang cap? Kenapa? Dh nak raya kot cap. Tak reti nak mintak maaf kat aku ke cap? Tak reti nak sambung balik ke cap? Tak rindu I ke cap? Oh, lupa. You mana nak igt kat I. You mana nak reti pandang I kan? Boleh buat nangis aa baca post ni. :'(. Xx